Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Writing

Well we have gone where many parents have gone before: We have about a thousand photos of Brown's early months, but only about 4 of Joseay so far. Terribly unfair, but true non-the-less. In a mid winter attempt at parity, we took advantage of the snow to recreate the snow writing that we did for Brown out in Utah. (see Dec 17, 2007 ) Luckily, an unusual storm allowed us to take care of this much closer to home. Brown enjoyed the snow or at least he enjoyed being out in it. I don't think he has ever voluntarily come inside.

Joseay continues to grow into herself and we are getting better at being her parents. She is sleeping much better at night, which means we are sleeping much better. The world (especially that world inside our 4 walls) looks much better with a handful of sleep. Thanks for all the encouragement over the last few weeks, and ignore just about anything we have said since November. We were sleep deprived and have no idea what we were saying/doing.

As you can see, she is growing well. People keep commenting on her double chin. They don't realize she also has a double thigh, double ankles...

1 comment:

  1. Precious, precious, precious! She really has grown a lot and is BEAUTIFUL. Our second child left us more sleep-deprived than our first but it's so worth every minute as you know.
